Following ancient patterns
our minds traced cycles
around the moon
to the moment that led
to the creation of you
Emerging from a mosaic
of twisting strands
sequencing proteins and possibility
passed through time and love
and aspiration
Life’s longing for itself
rooting through generations
of replicating recipes
for eye color and temperament
now uniquely yours
Alive with wonder
a brief blossom
held in this expansive tree
you are ultra rare
you are not a mistake
Photo: Alden with grandfather “Tango”
About this poem: Alden remains “undiagnosed;” by that I mean we still do not have an answer as to WHY his brain developed the way it did. In fact, the more he develops, surpassing expectations, the more perplexed his care team has become! As we continue to search for answers, we meet with geneticists and other specialists from around the country who are combing through our genomes. These conversations are intellectually interesting and emotionally exhausting. Whatever the genetic defects they search for, I want to feel that Alden is complete and wholly deserving to be as he is. Alden is in the realm of ‘ultra rare,’ perhaps completely unique. With unanswered questions, we are reaching the limits of current scientific exploration. Both medical mystery and playful toddler, Alden is a joyous addition to humanity. Our family will tend to him, and honor his beauty for as long as he is with us.
So powerful and beautifully written, XO
Once again, Momma Laura, you take my breath away and bring tears to my eyes!
Thank you for sharing your family's amazing journey!
Love, Uncle Dunc